This listing is for a vintage Japanese child's underkimono, meant for a little boy. It would be layered underneath a miyamairi kimono, which is a ceremonial kimono worn for festivals and very special occasions.
This kimono is white silk with a crane and cloud pattern woven into the fabric. The hemline was dip-dyed in a bright sky blue - the only part of the kimono that might be visible from under the formal kimono worn on top. It makes a somewhat understated display - but would be striking against a dark-colored wall.
Children's kimono come with two long ties sewn to each side of the front collar. The right-side tie would be threaded behind the left side, through the opening under the arm, around the back, and tied with the tie from the left side. If you would prefer a casual sash to tie the kimono closed, we offer simple cotton versions as an add-on option.
We also offer display rods but only in 30" widths (which is too short for this item) or 60" widths (which may be too long unless you have something else to display alongside of it). If you would like a custom-width rod, email us and we can direct you to a source.